Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Categories: Events Tags: Mental Health

Event Date:
October 18, 2019 – 10:00 AM to October 19, 2019 – 1:59 PM

To build awareness around breast cancer the Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health & Wellness is sponsoring a self-guided Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on Friday, October 18th.


  1. Employee Health and Wellness signs will be at each location on the MAP from 10:00am to 2:00pm. The locations are: Counseling Center/Student Health Center, Susie Harwood Gardens, Belk Plaza (fountain area), Belk Gym, New UREC facility (next to Popp Martin Student Union), and CORE (new outdoor workout space across from Belk Residential Hall)

  2. Located on the back of each sign is either a riddle, question, or game. Record your answer for each location.

  3. Each correct answer will count as one entry into the raffle drawing. (ex. if you walk to one location your name is entered once, if you visit all six locations your name is entered six times).

  4. You will have until noon on Sunday, October 20th to submit your answers!

  5. Please email your responses to Employee Health and Wellness at

The two lucky employees will be the recipients of an Employee Health & Wellness prize pack! Winners will be announced on our Facebook page on the afternoon of Monday, October 21, 2019.

Some things to consider:

  • While groups are encouraged to participate, individuals, not groups will be eligible to win the raffle prizes.
  • We encourage you to wear pink this day and send us any pics of you and/or department showing support for breast cancer awareness. The person whose pic recieves the most likes will win an Employee Health and Wellness prize!